New Master Program for 2025 School Year

The Frontiers in Chemistry Master’s Program results from the creation of Université Paris Cité. The molecular Chemistry towards Life’ sciences developed on the campus Saint-Germain-de-Prés answers to the physical chemistry oriented towards nanoscience, surfaces and energy developed on the Campus des Grands Moulins…. The Master’s program is supported by high-level research laboratories with international reputation and network.
The main objective of the first year is to provide students with a strong background in the various aspects of molecular chemistry, physical chemistry and reactivity at the interfaces with materials, surface and life sciences. Theoretical knowledge acquired through tutoring and analysis of scientific articles is complemented by a 2 to 5 months internship. Through the choice of optional courses, students can prepare their second-year specialization. The second year of the Master is intended to specialize students’ capacities in electrochemistry, spectroscopies, environmental chemistry or molecular chemistry. Students must choose among four tracks, two optional teaching units and will perform a 6 months internship to complete the Master’s Degree.
M1 | S1 | Common core (12 ECTS) | Phd Track |
Innovative Track |
Molecular Chemistry (12 ECTS) |
Physical Chemistry (12 ECTS) | ||||||
Options (6 ECTS) | |||||||
S2 | Common core (6 ECTS) | ||||||
ChemHealth (15 ECTS) |
ChemBiotech (15 ECTS) |
ChemEnergies (15 ECTS) |
NumChem & AI (15 ECTS) (NEW 2025) | ||||
Internship (2-5 months, 9 ECTS) |
M2 | S3 | Common core (9 ECTS) | Phd Track |
Innovative Track |
ChemHealth (15 ECTS) |
ChemBiotech (15 ECTS) |
ChemEnergies (15 ECTS) |
NumChem & AI (15 ECTS) (NEW 2026) | ||||
S4 | Collaborative projects (3 ECTS) | ||||||
Internship (5 months, 27 ECTS) |
ITINERARY 1 – Molecular Chemistry
ITINERARY 2 – Physical Chemistry
– Physico-chemistry of biomolecular interactions // mandatory for ChemBiotech
– Coordination chemistry // mandatory for ChemHealth
– Basis of computational chemistry // mandatory for NumChem & AI
– Supramolecular and soft matter
– PhD Track // selective option
– Innovative Track // selective option
– Molecule and surface characterization 2
– 2 to 5 months internship in research laboratories or industries, in France or abroad
TRACK – Chemistry for Health - CHEMHEALTH
TRACK – Chemistry for Biothechnology - CHEMBIOTECH
– Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – UE mutualized with ChemHealth track
– Biotechnologies (practicals)
– Optical spectroscopic methods for biomolecule analysis
– Physicochemistry of Nanoobjects
TRACK – Numerical Chemistry & AI - NUMCHEM
TRACK – Chemistry for Energies - CHEMENERGIES
– Macro- to nanostructuration of surfaces
– Inorganic naomaterials from fundamentals to pratice UE mutalized with NumChem track
– Multiphysics Modeling UE mutalized with NumChem track
– Chem 2.0 : Artificial Intelligence for Chemists & research seminar
– Collaborative research project – Part 1
– Option (2 courses to be picked among the list « optional teaching units » below)
TRACK – Chemistry for Health - CHEMHEALTH
TRACK – Chemistry for Biothechnology - CHEMBIOTECH
TRACK – Numerical Chemistry & AI - NUMCHEM
TRACK – Chemistry for Energies - CHEMENERGIES
Course Title: Sustainable chemistry
Course supervisor:
- B. Dosteau
Goals: The aims of this course are (i) to remind the global scientific and economic context of climate and ecosystem changes induced by human activities, (ii) to identify some domains in which chemical research and technology can implement sustainable alternatives solutions, (ii) to provide an overview of the research themes that respond to the need for sustainable development and (iv) to link research article with sustainable development goals reported in reports from GIEC, ADEME or CCC (french convention citoyenne pour le climat).
The reports from GIEC and ADEME are alerting on the important societal risks associated with climate change. Beside this aspect of the human fingerprint, the pollution of the environment gives rise to additional toxicological and epidemiological risks. Therefor rising part of the economy, industry and research implement sustainability in their policy or direct their activities in order to provide sustainable technologies. As a consequence, it is worth to provide education to the future chemist who should face this new challenge/constraint.
The course is composed of a lecture part (12h) illustrating the context of climate and ecosystem changes as well as some chemical research domain responding to sustainable development goals. Then during a second active learning part (6h), the student (group of 3-4) should on their own look for a research article reporting results that may have an impact for sustainable development. The students should present to peers (i) the scientific content and (ii) the sustainable development goal it is related to, based on reports of GIEC, ADEME, or CCC.
Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basis of sustainable development
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (Article presentation)
Course Title: Scientific communication
Course supervisor:
- S. Zrig & A. Perrier
Goals: This course focuses on developing the essential professional skills necessary to thrive in the modern job market.
Description: Students will develop proficiency in areas such as effective (scientific) communication, argumentation, teamwork, and problem-solving. A significant focus will be placed on resume writing, cover letter composition, and interview preparation, enabling students to present themselves confidently and competitively to potential employers for Master internships and future professional opportunities. Additionally, students will actively participate in real-world projects, either individually or in teams, under the guidance of mentors. Upon completion of the course, students will have gained valuable experience in project management and presentation skills.
Key words: Résumé, cover letter and internship search and personal interviews
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: none
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Chemistry and data sciences
Course supervisor:
- S. Zrig & A. Perrier
Goals: The objective of this lecture is to learn how to use numerical tools for the treatment of chemical data or the analysis of problems belonging to physics and chemistry.
Description: The students will learn how to analyze and plot data, how to use graphical tools, numerical analysis and scientific programming. The first part of the course (lecture 8h) will be dedicated to the introduction of different concepts related to programming and more particularly those related to the Python language (variables, data types, input/output, conditions, loops, lists, open/ write files, functions, introduction to modules), and to the presentation of the statistical tools in use in chemistry from basics to the opening of AI world. The second part of the lecture will be dedicated to practicals (16h) with a series of hands-on problem. The students will particularly use the Numpy, Pandas et Matplotlib libraries to get familiar with the chemometric tools necessary for the statistical exploitation of experimental results. The following concepts will thus be addressed via examples based on analytical chemistry: basic statistics (median, standard deviation, variance, normal distribution, confidence interval, confidence limit), metrology (experimental errors, error propagation), estimation of variance components by analysis of variance (repeatability, reproducibility), calibration curves, statistical tests (Fisher, Student ), multivariate statistical methods in chemistry (multilinear regression, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Principal Component Regression PCR).
Key words: Statistics Tools ; Chemometrics; Panda Library ; IA
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basis in Python Programming
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), lab sessions (TP)
Course Title: Molecule and surface characterization
Course supervisor:
- N. Giraud & C. Mangeney
Goals: Characterizing molecules, materials, and surfaces across various scales is crucial for understanding and optimizing them. Currently, spectroscopic tools are experiencing significant advancements, both in instrumentation and methodology. This course will focus on two main areas: nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and optical spectroscopic techniques, including UV-visible, fluorescence, IR, and Raman spectroscopies.
Description: The course will cover the use of these techniques from molecule analysis to surface characterization, integrating focuses on the development of optical microscopy techniques and surface-enhanced spectroscopies (SERS, SEIRA, metal-enhanced fluorescence). It aims to introduce students to these spectroscopic methods with three primary objectives: (i) providing a comprehensive understanding of modern NMR and optical spectroscopic techniques used in university research laboratories and centers; (ii) equipping students with theoretical knowledge to analyze NMR, infrared, UV-visible, fluorescence, and Raman spectra; and (iii) offering practical experience in these techniques. Throughout the course, students will delve into the principles, instrumentation, and analytical applications of various NMR and optical spectroscopies.
Key words: NMR, vibrational and optical spectroscopy, UV-vis, fluorescence, Infrared, Raman, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basic knowledge in spectroscopy
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical and Lab sessions (TD & TP)
Course Title: Strategies in organic synthesis
Course supervisor:
- G. Prestat
Goals: At the end of this course the student should be able to identify effective strategies for the synthesis of moderately complex organic compounds.
– Main protective groups in organic synthesis.
– Retrosynthesis elements: disconnection, building blocks, interconversion of functional groups, addition of functional groups. Examples of synthetic compounds of biological interest.
Key words: Organic synthesis ; Retrosynthetic analysis ; Protective groups
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Mastery of basic knowledge and concept in organic chemistry.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Heteroelements and heteroaromatics in organic chemistry
Course supervisor:
- G. Prestat & H. Dhimane
Goals: At the end of this course the student should be able to use the organic chemistry associated with heteroelements for functional group interconversion, bond formation, as well the syntheses and reactivities of heteroaromatic compounds.
– Heteroelement for C-C and C-Het bond formation : Phosphorus: Arbusov, preparation of phosphonium salts, Wittig, Wittig-Horner, Mitsunobu, Corey-Fuchs … Sulfur: thioacetals, sulfonium and sulfoxonium ylides, beta anion, preparation and reactivity of sulfones, sulfoxides … Silicon: synthesis and reactivity of silyl enol ethers, Peterson olefination, trialkylsilyl diazomethane …
– Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Heterocycles constitutes the vast majority of all known organic compounds, and are key components of pharmaceuticals, agrochemical, electro-active polymers, flavorings… They are also found in many biologically significant natural products. This part of the module aims to provide an introduction to aromatic heterocycles by examining the properties, the reactivity patterns, and some important synthetic methods of the main monocyclic heteroaromatic compounds, including:
– Electron-rich aromatic heterocycles (pyrroles, furans, thiophenes, diazoles)
– Electron-deficient aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (pyridines, diazines)
On completion of this course you will be able to devise synthetic pathways to the above heteroaromatics from simple precursors, and suggest reagents and conditions for achieving their region-selective substitution.
Key words: Organic synthesis ; Phosphorus ; Sulfur ; Silicon ; heteroaromatic, cyclization/cyclocondensation, cycloaddition
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Mastery of basic knowledge and concepts in organic chemistry.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Chemistry of biomolecules
Course supervisor:
- M. Ethève-Quelquejeu
Goals: Biomolecules including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids are an important element of living organisms. Currently, these molecules offer tremendous potential for biotechnology, new therapeutic strategies, or synthetic biology. Many pharmaceutical companies and academic groups are entering or investing in this field, and the chemists have already played a major role in all of these developments.
The aim of this course is to address the specific problems for the synthesis of biomolecules (peptides, sugars, and nucleic acids) based on general notions of organic chemistry.
Sugars: Structural aspects (conformation,), monosaccharide chemistry (protective groups), formation of the O-glycosidic bonds (methods of activation, control of stereochemistry, mechanistic aspects).
Peptides: Formation of peptide bonds, strategy of synthesis, synthesis on solid support.
Nucleic acids: Protective groups, Phosphodiester bond formation, solid support synthesis.
Key words: peptides, sugars and nucleic acids chemistry
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basis in organic chemistry and molecular biochemistry .
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Biological Chemistry
Course supervisor:
- B. Colasson
Goals: This class will describe at the molecular level some principles governing the reactivity in enzymes and metallo-enzymes for different class of reactions (hydrolytic catalysis, redox catalysis) involved in different metabolic pathways. The focus will be made on the reaction mechanisms at the active sites.
# bioinorganic chemistry in a biological context:
1- Presentation of the bio-inorganic domain
- Hydrolytic processes (hydrolysis of peptides)
- Redox reactions and dioxygen activation
# bioorganic chemistry in a biological context:
1- Reaction mechanisms in bioorganic chemistry
- Metabolism of aminoacids
- Metabolism of carbohydrates
- Metabolism of nucleotides
Key words: enzymatic catalysis – bioorganic reactions – bioinorganic reactions
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: knowledge and basic concepts in chemistry (organic and coordination chemistry, acid-base catalysis, redox reactions) and biochemistry (amino acids, proteins, enzymes, active site) from Bachelor’s degree
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Basis of catalysis
Course supervisor:
- V. Balland
Goals: This course will examine catalysis from the angle of both mechanisms and kinetics. An introductory course will review the basics of kinetics, in particular the theory of the activated complex, but also the influence of mass transport and of some environmental conditions (temperature, viscosity, ionic strength).
Description: The course will then be divided into sequences, dealing successively with homogeneous catalysis (mainly enzymatic and organometallic), (II) heterogeneous catalysis, and (III) an introduction to the concepts of photo- and electrocatalysis. The different types of catalysis will be illustrated using emblematic concrete examples, which will enable students to broaden their scientific knowledge in a variety of fields of application. Particular care will be taken not only to carry out a rigorous kinetic analysis but also to highlight the structure-performance relationship of the catalysts studied. This course is therefore aimed at students wishing to follow the Chemistry for Energies or the ChemBiotech pathways.
Key words: catalytic mechanism, reaction rate, rate determining step, selectivity
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Undergraduate level in physical chemistry (basis of kinetics) and inorganic chemistry
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Basis of Materials
Course supervisor:
- D. Schaming
Goals: This course aims to give to students the necessary skills and knowledge on materials they will encounter for different applications in the field of energy.
Description: Different families of materials will be described in relation to their types of chemical bonds. Specifically, metals, metal oxides (and ceramics in general), and polymers will be studied. For polymers, their thermomechanical properties will be briefly discussed, allowing their classification into thermoplastics, elastomers, and thermosettings. The successive lectures, associated with tutorials, will cover the properties of these several families of materials and the associated methods for characterizing them, enabling the determination of relevant physical properties.
In a second part, the course will be dedicated to an in-depth study of the fundamental principles and mechanisms of electrical conduction in solid materials, as modeled by various theoretical frameworks (free electron gas/Sommerfeld model, energy band theory, and Bloch theorem). Special attention will be given to the influence of defects and doping on their electrical and optical properties.
Key words: materials, polymers, metals, oxides, ceramics
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basis of solid chemistry, crystallography
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Basis of Electrochemistry
Course supervisor:
- V. Noel
Goals: This course aims to introduce the key fundamental concepts required to understand and study the heterogeneous processes occurring at a charged interface. This knowledge is necessary for the R&D of major fields of application such as (electro)synthesis, and energy conversion.
Description: The content is divided into two main parts, each of them containing lectures and tutorials. Parti 1 (Lecture 6h, Tutorial 6h) Kinetic and thermodynamic modeling of electron transfers reactions. The different processes associated to charge transfer reactions to an electrode, as well as the way to study them, will be detailed. The course will provide students with solid theoretical skills in the following topics: Thermodynamics and kinetics of an electrochemical cell; Solution transport processes; Modeling electrochemical reactions. Part 2 (Lecture 6h, Tutorial 4h): From theory to supercapacitor : The purpose of this second part is to give the key fundamental concept underlying the current energy storage technologies. Students will acquire the following basic skills: Basics of Debye-Hückel theory for electrolyte solutions: Apply concepts to explain the behavior of ions in solution. Use the Debye-Hückel equations to calculate the electrostatic potentials and activity coefficients of the ions. Electrical double layer and its role in supercapacitors. Study the formation mechanisms and theoretical models of the electric double layer. Apply these concepts to the modeling of supercapacitors.
Keywords: Electrochemistry, charged interface, transport in solution
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basics of Physico chemistry
Teaching methods and activities: lectures (CM), practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Basis of surface chemistry
Course supervisor:
- B. Schollhorn
Goals: This Teaching Unit provides the students with the fundamentals of surface functionalization both from a physical and a
chemical point of view.
Description: This Teaching Unit is divided in two parts, providing the fundamentals of surface chemistry. The first part (12 h) describes the basic concepts of chemistry and physics of surfaces and interfaces. In particular, this course aims at delivering fundamental knowledge in thermodynamics of interfaces, introducing surface tension, contact angle and wetting phenomena, to name a few. An important part of the course will be dedicated on physi- and chemi-sorption and the different classical models allowing to determine the specific surface area as well as to gain information on the porosity of the materials. The different concepts covered in class will be illustrated through exercises and problems. The second part (12 h) deals with chemical functionalization methods. Self-assembly processes and chemisorption for the formation of molecular monolayers will be described as well as the elaboration of thin layers via post-functionalization of self-assembled monolayers or direct electrografting of small molecules up to conducting polymers.
Keywords: surface energy, surface characterization, physi/chemisorption, surface functionalization, self-assembled monolayers, electrografting
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Bachelor level: in thermodynamics, kinetics and crystallography – chemical reactivity in organic and inorganic chemistry – basics of spectroscopy and electrochemistry
Teaching methods and activities: lectures (CM) practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Coordination Chemistry
Course supervisor:
- D. Over
Goals: This module is intended as a master level course covering transition metal and coordination chemistry. The aim is to provide an overview in bonding and spectroscopy, as well as an understanding of the reactivity of coordination compounds.
– Bonding (molecular orbital theory and crystal field), spectroscopy, magnetism
– Photochemistry, redox- and substitution reactions
Acquired skills: In the end of this course, a student should be able to fully understand the chemistry of the d-elements and be able to rationalize the trends of their chemical properties across the periodic table. With these tools in hand, a student should be able to interpret electronic and IR spectra, and to design synthetic strategies for coordination compounds as well as to evaluate their reactivity.
Key words: Coordination chemistry, transition metals, spectroscopy, magnetism, reactivity
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: General, inorganic and organic chemistry acquired in the Bachelor program.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: Final written exam. Depending on the number of the students, a presentation of scientific papers will be asked.
Course Title: Basis of Computational chemistry
(Mandatory for AI track)
Course supervisor:
- E. Bremond & A. Perrier
Goals: The course will provide to the students the fundamental knowledge in computational chemistry methods. At the end of this lecture, the students should know how to use quantum chemistry concepts at the appropriate level of theory to undertake a computational chemistry study. They will also be able to determine the geometry and electronic properties of organic molecules using a quantum chemistry software.
Description: The first part of the lecture will be dedicated to the fundamentals of electronic structure calculations (lectures 12h): (1) Introduction to the quantum many-electron problem, (2) Hartree-Fock (HF) method, (3) Overview of post-HF methods for electron correlation, and (4) Density Functional Theory (DFT). The second part of the lecture will be dedicated to practicals (12h) with a series of hands-on problems: (1) SCF-LCAO calculation of the ground electronic state of the helium atom, (2) Fundamentals of the characterization of Potential Energy Surfaces (optimization, characterization of transition states, dissociation), (3) Electronic structure of p-conjugated organic molecules: analysis of electron density, inductive and mesomeric effects, atomic partial charge.
Key words: Hartree-Fock ; Density-Functional Theory; Potential Energy Surfaces; Electronic structures, Quantum chemistry software
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Undergraduate level in chemical bonding and quantum chemistry (wavefunction, atomic and molecular orbitals)
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Physico-chemistry of biomolecular interactions
(Mandatory for ChemBiotech track)
Course supervisor:
- F. Mavré
Goals: This teaching addresses the topic of biomolecular recognition between simple biomolecules (nucleic acids, proteins) and ligands.
Description: After reviewing the composition and structure of the biomolecules, and the range of weak interactions at work, we will modelize and analyze the ligand binding phenomenon from a generic point of view and introduce a number of suitable experimental techniques for characterizing the thermodynamics and kinetics of the interaction. We will then look at biomolecular recognition with specific biomolecules (DNA, RNA, globular or membrane proteins) through a number of case studies, which will gradually increase in complexity. The objective of this teaching is to approach the structure/function relationships of simple biomolecules from the physico-chemist’s point of view, for instance by understanding how interactions of biomolecules with natural or synthetic molecules can alter their function and how this can be quantitatively described. This course will allow students to transpose classical physicochemical concepts to biomolecules; to analyse biomolecular ligand binding processes by considering weak interactions and the associated kinetic and thermodynamic aspects; and to reinforce their general biochemistry knowledge through case studies.
Key words: Ligand-binding, binding mechanisms, cooperativity, selectivity
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Undergraduate level in physical chemistry (basis of kinetics and thermodynamics)
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Supramolecular chemistry and soft matter
Course supervisor:
- B. Colasson
Goals: The course will provide the students with basic and fundamental knowledge in supramolecular chemistry, from molecules in solution to self-assembled materials, while also introducing key concepts and cutting-edge applications of gels and colloids. The objectives are to give a wide overview of the use of non-covalent and covalent interactions in chemistry and to create connections for the design and analysis of systems at the molecular and macroscopic scales.
Description: The course will cover the following items:
- Supramolecular chemistry
– Applications of supramolecular chemistry
– Historical background
– Definitions and concepts
– Non covalent interactions
– Self-assembly for molecular complexity and emergent properties
– Host-guest chemistry
– Molecular devices
– Self-assembly of simple molecules: from nano- to supramolecular structures
- Soft matter, gels and colloids
– Soft matter materials from biological or biologically inspired polymers
– Chemical and physical gels, their properties and swelling behavior
– Stimuli responsiveness of gels for different applications
– Coordination polymers
– Colloids
– From eco-design, lifespan to recycling
Key words: non covalent interactions, self-assembly, host-guest chemistry, gels, biological and smart polymers, colloids
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: A general background in chemistry (Bachelor’s degree) is required to attend to this UE.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: PhD track
(Selective option)
Course supervisor:
- V. Noel
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Knowledge and basic concepts in chemistry (organic and coordination, acid-base catalysis, redox reactions) and biochemistry (amino acids, proteins, enzymes, active site, Michaelis–Menten)
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: Final exam 100 %
Course Title: Innovative track
(Selective option)
Course supervisor:
- V. Noel
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Knowledge and basic concepts in chemistry (organic and coordination, acid-base catalysis, redox reactions) and biochemistry (amino acids, proteins, enzymes, active site, Michaelis–Menten)
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: Final exam 100 %
Course Title: Molecule and surface characterization II
Course supervisor:
- P. Martin
Goals: The objective of this teaching unit is to acquire basic knowledge of analytical chemistry methods for molecules and materials.
Description: The objective of this teaching unit is to acquire basic knowledge of analytical chemistry methods for molecules and materials. The course is divided into 2 chapters:
(A) Chromatography and Mass spectroscopy (9h): This chapter aims in particular to: i) Know the basic principle of GC & MS; ii) Know the different technical devices; Understand the operation and characteristics of the different types of GC & MS instruments (column, detectors, ionization sources, mass analyzers); ii) Exploit in detail a GC & MS spectrum of different types of molecules; iii) Choose the most suitable GC & MS method depending on whether the analysis is targeting a “small” organic molecule or a macromolecule (e.g. protein) with a study of the related applications. Recent developments allow coupling to separation methods for the analysis of complex samples (GC/MS, HPLC/MS)
(B) Interaction of radiation with matter: In this chapter, we will focus mainly on electrons and X-rays. (1) We will describe the different types of phenomena that occur: scattering, absorption, diffraction,..etc (8h)
(2) X-ray diffraction will then be developed. The principle of the technique will be outlined, as well as the information that can be obtained by reading a diffractogram. (7h)
Key words: Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry, X-Ray diffraction, Transmission electronic microscope
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Basic knowledge of separation methods (chromatography), spectroscopy and other analytical methods; as seen in bachelor
Teaching methods and activities: lectures (CM) practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Tutored project
Course supervisor:
- F. Berhal & S.Zrig
Goals: This course addresses numerous research topics in chemistry (medicine, materials, catalysis, energy…) and aims to introduce students to the management of a collaborative research project.
Description: The training sequence encompasses (i) the bibliographic review, (ii) the design of a work plan, (iii) the experimental work and (iv) the synthesis of the results. Targeted skills: bibliographic search tools; redaction of scientific articles; teamwork; interdisciplinary; project management, experiments, characterization, and data analysis.
Key words: Organic synthesis, organometallic synthesis, physicochemical characterization
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 2
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: First semester of the Master in Chemistry and Bachelor in Chemistry: Organic synthesis, physicochemistry, analytical chemistry.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD), Lab sessions (TP)
Course Title: Stoichiometric organometallics
Course supervisor:
- H. Dhimane & G. Prestat
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam

Course Title: From bonding to catalysis
Course supervisor:
- G. Prestat
Goals: This transition-metal catalysis course in homogeneous phase allows students to acquire mastery of basic concepts of this field. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of reaction mechanisms and metal-ligand interactions in order to determine the optimal reaction conditions. Heck reactions, palladium-catalyzed cross-couplings and olefin metathesis are studied in depth.
Coordination chemistry for organometallic catalysis
Elementary coordination chemistry: M-C and M-H bonds
Phosphine ligands, NHC carbene ligands
Pi-ligands: cyclopentadienyl, allyl, alkene, alkyne …
Elementary steps in organometallic chemistry: oxidative addition and reductive elimination, insertion and disinsertion, electrophilic and nucleophilic attack …
The general concept of catalysis and examples of the use of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis: C-C couplings, Wacker process, olefin metathesis.
Organometallic catalysis
Mizoroki-Heck Coupling: Mechanism – regioselectivity – reactivity of halogenated and pseudo-halogenated partners – ligandless conditions – cyclizations – stereochemical aspects and asymmetric versions.
Cross-Couplings: Mechanistic aspects – Kumadu-Corriu – Negishi – Stille – Suzuki-Miyaura – Hiyama – Sonogashira
Olefin metathesis
Pd-catalyzed Allylic Alkylation
Acquired skills: Mastery of metal-ligand sigma and pi interactions and elementary steps in organometallic chemistry. Understanding of basic organometallic catalysis concepts in homogeneous phase. Mastery of palladium-catalyzed couplings and olefin metathesis.
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Mastery of basic knowledge and concepts in inorganic and organic chemistry acquired L3 chemistry.
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: Final written exam (100 %)
Course Title: Orbitals, reacativity, mechanism
Course supervisor:
- H. Dhimane
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Nuclear magnetic resonance
Course supervisor:
- N. Giraud
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Lab skills – Molecular Chemistry
Course supervisor:
- P. Busca
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Surfaces and biosensing
Course supervisor:
- B. Piro
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Optical spectroscopic methods for biomolecules analysis
Course supervisor:
- N. Felidj
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Physicochemistry of nanoobjects
Course supervisor:
- D. Onidas
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Lab skills – Biotechnologies
Course supervisor:
- A. Mellet
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final exam
Course Title: Computational chemistry II
Course supervisor:
- A. Monari & F. Barbault
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Artificial intelligence for chemists
Course supervisor:
- E. Bremond & F. Barbault
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Multiphysics modeling
Course supervisor:
- N. Challab
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Lab skills – Molecular or multiphysics modeling
Course supervisor:
- A. Perrier
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Physicochemistry of semiconductors
Course supervisor:
- N. Battaglini
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Macro- to nanostructuration of surfaces
Course supervisor:
- G. Mattana
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Inorganic nanomaterials: from fundamentals to practice
Course supervisor:
- J.-Y. Piquemal
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Lab skills – Electrochemical methodologies
Course supervisor:
- P. Martin
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Green chemistry project
Course supervisor:
- P. Busca
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence for chemists & Research Seminar
Course supervisor:
- A. Monari & B. Schöllhorn
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Collaborative research project – Part 1
Course supervisor:
- V. Noel
Goals: The aim is to introduce Master 2 students to research projects and to strengthen their soft skills related to collaborative work.
This course will be divided into two parts. The first part will be taught under a classical form (lectures, seminars) allowing students to acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully carry out the second part, were they will be asked to work independently to build their own collaborative research project.
Part 1: In an initial stage, the main research funding agencies (public and private) will be presented; the structure and management of collaborative research projects (timetables, milestones, deliverables…) will be also described. Several scientific experts will give seminars allowing grasping the contemporary trends and stakes of the discipline (chemistry and big data, the chemical industry 2.0, the chemistry at the interfaces…).
Part 2: In a second phase, students will be divided into groups of 3 to 4 people constituting a team. Several teams will be associated to form a consortium whose mission is to build a collaborative research project of a European type (FET-OPEN or RIA). Each consortium will have to structure, budget and justify its project using the planning tools and the ad-hoc methods.
Acquired skills:
- Analysis and summary skills of the scientific production in a given field (publications, patents)
- Ability to develop a creative approach to solve a scientific problem
- Team building, Integration into a working team and ability to be a source of propositions
- Capacity to present the results under different forms (oral presentations, written reports…)
Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 3
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: M1
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Course Title: Chemistry of RNA, DNA and proteins for new therapeutic strategies
Course supervisor:
- M. Ethève-Quelquejeu
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Chemical biology
Course supervisor:
- P. Busca
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Selective methods for medicinal chemistry
Course supervisor:
- G. Prestat
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: NMR of biomolecules: structure, dynamics and interactions
Course supervisor:
- N. Giraud
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Bio-inspired catalysis
Course supervisor:
- B. Colasson
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Nanomedicine
Course supervisor:
- M. Hemadi
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Biomolecular diagnotics and DNA technologies
Course supervisor:
- F. Mavré
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Bioimaging
Course supervisor:
- C. Mangeney
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Metabolomics
Course supervisor:
- N. Giraud
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Biomaterials and smart devices
Course supervisor:
- C. Mangeney
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Computational photochemistry
Course supervisor:
- A. Monari & F. Maurel
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Materials and nanomaterials modeling
Course supervisor:
- M. Seydou & A. Monari
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Modeling rare events
Course supervisor:
- A. Monari & F. Barbault
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Biomolecular modeling
Course supervisor:
- A. Monari & F. Barbault
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: From charaterization to Big Data
Course supervisor:
- J.-F. Lemineur
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Advanced electrochemistry
Course supervisor:
- F. Mavré
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Electrochemical energy storage
Course supervisor:
- V. Balland
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Photoconversion
Course supervisor:
- N. Felidj
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Materials, catalysis, photocatalysis, Electrocatalysis
Course supervisor:
- J. Peron
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Medicinal chemistry
Course supervisor:
- P. Busca
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Medicinal chemistry
Course supervisor:
- P. Busca
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam
Course Title: Large instruments and Laboratory Platforms: Techniques and Applications
Course supervisor:
- M. Giraud
Acquired skills:
Key words:
Total number of hours: 20 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 1
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed:
Teaching methods and activities: Lectures (CM), Practical sessions (TD)
Assessment: 100% Final written exam

Course Title: Collaborative research project Part II
Course supervisor:
- V. Noel
Goals: The aim is to introduce Master 2 students to project research and to strengthen their soft skills related to collaborative work.
Ce cours s’inscrit dans la continuité de l’UE “Research Project 1”.
Students will be divided into groups of 3 to 4 people constituting a team. Several teams will be associated to form a consortium whose mission is to build a collaborative research project of a European type (FET-OPEN or RIA). Each consortium will have to defend its research project in front of a panel (students + teachers), i.e. to justify the project structure, budget, expected timetable as well as the scientific and technological proposed approaches.
Acquired skills: Communication skills such as articulating ideas, clarity and concision in argues description, public speaking…
Total number of hours: 24 Number of ECTS: 3 Semester 4
Mandatory course ☒ Optional course ☐
Prerequisites/skills needed: Research Project 1
Assessment: Examen Final (Oral Presentation) -100 %