A large, world-class, multi-disciplinary research university specializing in everything from hard sciences to human and social sciences was created in Paris in March 2019. It will become a leading academic and scientific center for health and life sciences as well as for earth and planetary sciences.
Created through the merger of Paris Descartes and Paris Diderot and the incorporation of the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), and certified IdEx (a French acronym for Excellence Initiative) by the French government, this new university will serve as Paris’ first fully multi-disciplinary scientific and educational center.
The new university will adhere to a comprehensive strategic vision shared with research organizations and backed by a high degree of scientific and academic rigor. The implementation of this strategy will rely on a vertical relationship with each faculty (Sciences, Literature and Social Sciences, and Health).
Université Paris Cité will be a multi-disciplinary institute with a strong focus on health as well as science (especially mathematics, physics, and earth sciences), engineering, social sciences, and the humanities.

Known as one of the biggest universities in Paris, the Faculty of Sciences constitutes of 12 250 students, 51 research labs, as well as 1 020 staff members ranging from researchers, professors, and administrative staffs.
The Faculty is composed of nine departments: 5 departments located on the Grands Moulins’ Campus (Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Life Sciences and Physics) as well as Engineering School. In addition, there is the Department of Basic and Biomedical Sciences located on the Saint-Germain-des-Prés’ Campus.
The Faculty of Sciences combines sciences from experimental to exact, and from fundamental to applied research. It is popular for its disciplinary wealth when it comes to Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and other branches of Biomedical Sciences.