General Rules
Application Dates
Applications will open on February 18th for the following academic year. Applications submitted before February 18th at 12am will not be examined.
Applications must be submitted before July 1st of each year for the following academic year.
Applications submitted after June 30th 11:59pm will not be examined.
Conditions to apply for the 1st year of our master program (M1): having obtained or being in the process of validating a Licence 3 or a Bachelor’s degree
Conditions to apply directly for the 2nd year of our master program (M2):
- having obtained or being in the process of validating a Master 1,
- having obtained or being in the process of validating a Master’s degree,
- being a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.),
- being a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.),
- being a 3rd year student in an engineering school with a chemistry major
NB. The admission committee reserves the right to propose students applications for a M1 (instead of a M2) after examining their applications and according to their background
2 steps for a complete application
STEP 1: prepare the documents that MUST be submitted with the application
Document format accepted: PDF only
1. A photocopy of your passport, national ID card if you are a European citizen or French national identity card if you are a French citizen
2. A Curriculum Vitae in English only (2 pages max)
3. A letter of personal statement in English only (2 pages max)
4. Photocopies of ALL of your transcripts from your higher education years (merged in two PDF files maximum) in their original language AND the certified translation in French or English
5. Photocopies of ALL of your diplomas from your higher education years in their original language AND the certified translation in French or English
NB. Transcripts from the current semester ONLY can be sent later (as soon as you receive them) at the following email address:
6. Photocopy of the English language certificate that you have passed with a B2 level minimum
Check the table: https://www.ef.fr/tests-anglais/comparaison-tests/convertisseur-score/
NB. If you are currently registered to take an exam which will determine your level of English before July 1st:
a) Attach a PDF file simply stating the name of the exam/certificate and the date planned for the test
b) Send the results to as soon as you receive them before July 1st maximum
NB. No certificate is required for native English speakers or students having completed their undergraduate studies in a program taught entirely in English.
In such case, replace the certificate by a document (PDF file) explaining why you don’t need to provide a certificate. Your level of English will be verified during the Skype interview if your application is selected.
7. Name and contact of your 2 main academic referees. A request for a letter of recommendation will be directly sent to them.
What we mean by academic referees: professors in your university of origin and outside if possible (e.g. a laboratory you worked at), in scientific or technological fields. We only accept their professional/academic email address (no hotmail, gmail or personal email address).
You will be informed by an automatic email as soon as we receive their recommendation letters. You will also be informed a few days before the end of your batch if we still haven’t received their letters so you can contact them directly and remind them to send it before the deadline.
As long as we haven’t received the 2 letters of recommendation, your application will NOT be examined.
8. Any other document that you would like to add (merged into 2 PDF files maximum)
STEP 2: fill the online form
Please note that your application will not be considered if you do not fill out the online form thoroughly
Incomplete applications will not be examined
In order for your application to be examined, it must be complete. It is your responsibility.
You will receive an email after the batch during which you applied is over. It will either mention :
• Your application is complete and it will be examined by the committe
• Your application is not complete and it will be examined when it is complete. It will be moved to the next batch and so on until it is complete.
Please note that it is in your best interest to apply as early as possible, as some or all tracks may be full after the first rounds of admission.
Foreign students should apply particularly early given the length of procedures to obtain a visa.
During the examination of your application, you may be contacted by some faculty for a phone or skype interview.
Batches for examination
Once your complete application is examined by the admission committee, there are 3 possibilities :
• Either you will receive an authorization of registration certificate
• Or you will receive a notification of refusal
• Or you will receive a notification stating that you are put on the waiting list. In this last case, your application will be examined by the last commission (provided that some positions are still available at that stage in the tracks you have applied for) and the final decision will be sent to you by July 31st at the latest.
NB. Please note that once your application is accepted for the M2 track you chose, you will not be able to change tracks. Make sure you choose the track that really corresponds to your aspirations.
◦ 1st batch: if you apply between Feb 18th at 12am and March 31st at 11:59pm, you shall get a reply by April 30th
◦ 2nd batch: if you apply between April 1st at 12am and May 15th at 11:59pm, you shall get a reply by June 15th
◦ 3rd batch: if you apply between May 16th at 12am and June 30th at 11:59pm, you shall get a reply by July 31st
Mandatory events for students
Integration days for M1 students
M1 students must attend the 3 integration days which will take place on September 4th, 5th and 6th 2019. It will consist of a pedestrian rally around Paris in teams and different workshops dealing with how to prepare an interview for a job/internship. You will receive more details around the end of August but you must save the date if you are authorized to enroll in our program.
Interdisciplinary seminar for M1 students
During the second week of September from Thursday 12th to Friday 13th.
If you are part of our program you will have to attend an offsite interdisciplinary seminar involving ALL M1 students.
The main aim of this seminar is to bring students together and to allow them to get to know each other better in order to create an inspiring learning and working environment, to generate team spirit, by exchanging with professionals about the chemical sector.
Fees: 50€
Location of courses
Paris Descartes University – Faculty of Basic and Biomedical Sciences – 45 rue des Saints Pères – 75006 Paris
Paris Diderot University – Faculty of Chemistry – 15 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf – 75013 Paris
Tuition fees
Tuition fees must be paid in person, upon completion of the administrative registration before the kick-off meeting.
Living expenses
International students
Immigration matters
Foreign students should apply particularly early given the length of procedures to obtain a visa.
“European” students are students with a nationality from:
• One of the 28 countries of the EU;
• A country included in the EEA (EU + Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein)
• Switzerland
• Monaco or Andorra
You must apply directly on our website between February 1st and June 30th.
More information: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/enrolment-European-student
You must apply directly on our website between February 1st and June 30th.
If your application is accepted, you will receive an authorization of enrollment. From that point on, you will be able to undertake the procedures with the French Consulate in your country of residence to obtain a student visa.
NB. Even if the « Etudes en France » procedure applies in the country of origin, non-European students residing in Europe do not need to either return to their native country nor to follow this procedure.
More information: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/enrolment-student-residing-Europe
Check the list on the Campus France website: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/procedure-studying-in-France
2 mandatory steps
1- You must follow the « Etudes en France » procedure until you obtain a student visa
Create your private electronic file and follow the instructions. If necessary, contact the Campus France platform in your country of residence for more information
Warning : Make sure you select the following program on the Campus France platform: « Master Sciences, technologies, Santé mention bio-ingénierie, Université Paris Descartes, Faculté des sciences fondamentales et biomédicales, Site de Paris ». If you select another school than Paris Descartes, I will not be able to validate your file for you to obtain your visa. It will then be delayed.
Please let me know as soon as you have submitted your COMPLETE application on Campus France, so that I can validate it.
2- You must concurrently apply on our website February 1st and June 30th or your application will NOT be examined.
More information: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/procedure-studying-in-France
You must apply directly on our website between February 1st and June 30th.
If your application is accepted, you will receive a you will receive an authorization of enrollment. From that point on, you will be able to undertake the procedures with the French Consulate in your country of residence to obtain a student visa.
More information: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/enrolment-non-European-student
NB : As visa matters tend to take a lot of time, we recommend that you apply as early as possible. We are not responsible for the obtaining of your visa, so you must anticipate and respect our batch schedule.
Request for an original copy of your authorization of enrollment
Please note that if you need an original copy of your letter of acceptance for the visa application procedure, we will mail it to you after receiving your request, via an international shipping company (UPS, Fedex or DHL depending on the country). All costs will be at your own expense.
If you send your request for an original acceptance letter early enough, we might be able (if your country allows it) to mail it to you through regular mail. ln this case only, it will be free of charge for you.
ln any case, you must send your request for an original letter of acceptance before July 15th.
Eiffel scholarship
Warning: the deadline for our university is earlier than the Campus France deadline. Our deadline to ask if you can apply is November 30th. You must attach to your request for an application to the Eiffel scholarship the following documents: CV, personal statement, transcripts from all your higher education years, higher education diploma(s) if applicable and one letter of recommendation.
Here is the procedure:
• Check if you are eligible in the Eiffel program guide: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/system/files/medias/documents/2018-10/vademecum_eiffel_2019_en.pdf
• If you are eligible, send us a request with all the documents mentioned above before November 30th
• If your application is selected by the BME-Paris master’s program committee, you will be informed and you will be sent an application form
• Fill out pages 1, 2 and 4 only
• Send your complete application with all the necessary documents before December 10th
• We will fill out the other parts and send it to Campus France
NB. You cannot apply for the Eiffel scholarship on your own. You MUST contact us and follow the above procedure before November 30th.
We strongly recommend that you look for other scholarships on your side (ask the French embassy in your country) because the Eiffel scholarship is extremely competitive and it gives priority to new comers, ie students who have never been to France before.